The following companies, organizations, and individuals are discussed
in my book. Here's a guide to their sites.
Sure, Toscanini's Ice Cream
offers directions to the best ice cream in town. It also provides
an imaginative guide to the flavors, in the format of the periodic
table of the elements, as well as a history of ice cream stretching
back to, well, the formation of ice.
Amar Bhide's home page focuses
on his excellent book, The
Origin and Evolution of New Businesses, and provides links to
many other pieces he has written. A font of sensible research from
my favorite entrepreneurial professor.
Aware Records shares
tour dates, news on upcoming releases, and more on its artists-and
gives you the chance to sign up for the fabulous rep program.
You know Nantucket Nectars
sells great juice. Now find out more about the company history,
the employees, and where to buy those great caps. A lively site
that embodies the company's high-spirited culture.
Stonyfield Farm blends
great packaging, high-quality food, a passion for the environment,
and a love of kids on its site, just as it does with its every business
decision. And of course, lots of cows.
It's not slick. But the web site for Kate's
Mystery Books has character, in spades. Be sure to click on
her terrific newsletters.
M Squared, Inc. provides
a full and comprehensive guide to the services of this broker of
independent consultants. Also provides links to the excellent book
New Brand of Expertise by CEO Marion McGovern.
Fun, fun, fun. Amy's Ice
Cream posts the company history, trivia quizzes, tons of photos,
and of course, the dish on ice cream. And cows, to boot.
Good food and good movies. Find out what's playing and what's
cooking at the Parkway
Speakeasy Theater in Oakland.
You can't buy the Essentiel
Elements body care products at the site, but you can learn everything
there is to know about how to make the goods from all natural products,
and which spas sell them.
Lots of excellent product information about baby joggers at the
company site, not to mention
a smattering of history and articles.
You'd be amazed (okay, I was at first) at the depth and utility
of the website for the Small Business
The main promise of the site for SCORE,
the Service Corps for Retired Executives, is to hook you up with
a mentor-and the site delivers on this. And it provides useful how-to
articles and links.
The National Commission on Entrepreneurship
was formed to help guide policy that fosters small business growth.
The site provides smart research and reports for folks inside the
beltway-and us too.
The Young Entrepreneur
Organization provides support and peer counseling to you young
(under 40) successful (running a company with more than $1 million
in revenue) entrepreneurs.
For everything you ever need to know about chocolate-dipped strawberries,
about ordering berries, and about launching a successful storefront and
online company, visit Shari's Berries.

Read or print the Intro
and Chapter 1.
Read the book reviews at Inc
and 1-800-CEO-READ.
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this book from
the companies that Tom discusses in the book
Hear a recent lecture by Tom on the Startup Garden
Buy my book and I will send you a worksheet and list of local
and industry resources for your startup. Simply send me an email
with your zip code and type of company and I will email you the free kit. Thanks!
Managing – articles that Tom wrote for The Industry Standard and some
Business Articles
written for Inc., Fortune Small Business, Harvard Management Update, and other
Read about other
books and web sites about starting your own business.